• Khushbu Parakh

    A passion for Cloud Computing

    Junior Developer fascinated by Python, proud OpenStack contributor, FOSS passionate and tech in general enthusiast.

    Google Summer of Code mentor (ABI).

    Committee member of Grace Hopper Florida. Besides that,


    I'm a geek. I like new ideas and pushing the envelope of the possible using computing. However, technology isn't just about building a nifty new widget.

    I like being on the cutting edge of the what is going to be next hurdle.


  • Projects

    If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.

    Future work to make it more reliable for children and to  expand it to more people so that 1000's of kids are benefitted

    Exoskeleton leg brace

    This project was done under the guidance of Ted Moallem (MIT)

    I saw a problem in Polio effected children that they hated to wear leg braces. So to make them Wear braces we made them more Entertaining. Depending on number of steps they take while wearing braces, they were entertained by the device in the form of Song, lights and games ( All built in the device without adding too much weight). Apart from entertaining them braces had a spring movement which helped them to walk easily.

    The prototype is being tested and was donated( total of 13 devices) to NGO for useage.

    Future work:  Three to four new languages will be added by the end of 2016 and further global expansion is expected soon. 


    An wildlife conservation App

    One way to crowd-source conservation is through mobile phone applications. The purpose of the app is for people to be able to identify and report wildlife trafficking incidents worldwide. The app currently operates in English. It is build for country governments in order to help support and empower wildlife-trafficking law enforcement officers in the region. Reports by app users will be analysed by a Wildlife Crime Data Analyst and over time, the information will help build data and enrich understanding of illegal wildlife trade across the region, help prioritise response action and highlight areas in need of increased enforcement resources.

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    SOS stands for Solidarity Of Systers.


    SOS provides a platform to those women who have been subjected to violence to come forward and voice their situation, share it with everyone, seeking help, while still maintaining their anonymity. No act of violence is too small or negligible and we think nobody should suffer in silence and hence this project.


    A web application

    Goal: Are you hungry? Go to restaurant!. Best worldwide restaurant locator! Our app shows information about each fast food (like Taco Bell or Dunkin Donuts) and local restaurants. Finding Currency exchange, banks, ATM, Hotels, Trip places, Resorts Find a fast food restaurant quickly! We use GPS to show you nearby restaurants, map, with route, all necessary information.

    Technologies used Ruby on Rails

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    An education Prototype in guidance of (Eman Jardata) MIT Director fellow.

    Apply human-centric design techniques to refine challenges in education sector and prepare for field trips in slum . Engage with and learn from stakeholders. An initial prototype is build.

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    She against Rape

    A small hardware for women safety

    The Project Rape Whistle is the first project undertaken by She’s Against Rape. The Rape Whistle is a small handheld device which is capable of making noise of up to 120dB. The point of this is to make a scene and gather attention. The On-button (at the front) triggers the siren which does not stop until the Off-button (at the back) is pressed. It is a battery operated device and in case the battery runs out, it also works as a fairly loud mechanical whistle equally well. I am also volunteering this organization in my city(Jaipur)

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    A Product management Application

    This application is build to help the NGO's http://www.svym.org/ to organize there work digitally instead of paper system.

    Technologies used are Php, Bootstrap, JS

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    A web crawler 

    I have create an application in Django, in which you would enter the URL for a website and then in the back end it would crawl that website, and display all the images on that site on the front end.The user can also specify how deep the links can crawl.

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    Featured in Linux

    Diversity Mentor


  • Skills

    When in doubt, use brute force.

    Software Platform/ Technologies


    1. Python
    2. Robot framework
    3. CSS/LESS
    4. Apache/Nginx
    5. Github
    6. Mongo DB
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    Hardware Platform

    1. Arduino.
    2. OpenCV
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    Operating Systems

    1. Ubuntu
    2. Redhat
    3. Unix
    4. Linux
    5. Mac OS 
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    Design Tools

    1. Sketch Up
    2. Auto Cad
    3. GIMP
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    Currently Learning 

    Working on Google Cloud Platform and their API's

    • OpenStack mentoring under Anne Gentle 
  • Participation

    Here's where you can find my past works.


    • Committee member of Grace Hopper  India
    • Working with Avi networks silicon valley startup joined in October.
    • Member of International Women Techmakers group
    • Nextdrop Internship.
    • Firefox Student Ambassador.

    • Core member of Mozilla firefox group “OpenMoz” in the Arya College of Engineering & IT, Jaipur.

    • Leader of Lean IN (wecode) by Sheryl Sandberg.

    • Android presentation presented in Arya College of Engineering and IT.

    • Got silver medal in Athletics i.e High jump, 100m race

    • Selected in National level Debate Competition 'Tehnika Naitus'

    • I’m a writer, critic, creative & Technology evangelist.


    OpenSource Organization

    • Mailman http://gitlab.com/khushbuparakh
    • Apache: BigData and Mesosphere, Cloudfoundry is my current world for opensource 
    • Openstack(Trove is Database as a Service for OpenStack. It's designed to run entirely on OpenStack, with the goal of allowing users to quickly and easily utilize the features of a relational or non-relational database without the burden of handling complex administrative tasks.)
      • Searchlight
      • Documentation
      • Nova
      • Client/UX
    • Foreman(Summary of idea: Multi-tenancy hosted instance of Foreman in the cloud)
    • WikiMedia
    • RGSOC(Rails google summer of Code)2016 coach  Project Link , TeamLink



  • Presentation Links

    Only the prepared speaker deserves to be confident.

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    Djangocon Europe 2017

    OpenStack Summit Boston 2017

  • Hackathon, coding and ruminations.

    WomenInBigData Women in Big Data initiative is a grassroots community to inspire, connect, grow...
    November 4, 2016
    I got an opportunity to attend Linux 52 years of celebration in Berlin.  
    September 17, 2016
    More Posts
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